Home Fashion 32 of the Best Pairs of Shorts For Women

32 of the Best Pairs of Shorts For Women

32 of the Best Pairs of Shorts For Women


Truth be told, I’m not a big summer person. There aren’t all that many things I love about it except that it’s when my birthday is and that I get to wear shorts. But since I live in the South (North Carolina, to be exact), I’m forced to contend with summer-like weather for a good five months out of the year. If I didn’t like shorts, I’d be in trouble.

It goes without saying that shorts can be a bit polarizing. Even if you’re in the camp that hates them, sometimes they’re just necessary, no matter where you live. Since I’m someone that does appreciate a good pair of shorts, and it’s my job to find the best of everything fashion-related, I put together a list of some of my current favorite shorts in the categories that matter most: denim, sporty, dressy, and casual non-denim. Scroll on to shop my favorites before summer begins—I know I will be.


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