Home Fashion 12 Downtown Trends I’m Leaving Behind When I Move Uptown

12 Downtown Trends I’m Leaving Behind When I Move Uptown

12 Downtown Trends I’m Leaving Behind When I Move Uptown


In 2020, I packed up my apartment in Brooklyn, New York and moved into an alarmingly small apartment in SoHo, where I stuffed 50+ pairs of shoes, at least 20 handbags, and give or take 15 coats—and then there was all the actual clothing. Two years and plenty of late-night Balthazar dinners, Sunday afternoon shopping breaks, and early-morning breakfasts at Fiat Cafe later, I did the whole packing up thing all over again, this time to move out of downtown and onto the Upper West Side. It was exciting and all, that is, until I realized just how much stuff I’d acquired over the past 730 days. 

Ahead of the move—which I always insist on doing sans movers with only a UHaul and my boyfriend to assist me—I knew I’d have to do some serious clearing house. But instead of doing what I usually do when I’m gearing up for a major donation haul—which involves trying everything I own on and making a split-second yes or no decision about its fate—I, instead, came up with an assessment. To pass said test, my existing wardrobe items had to feel elevated, versatile, and chic enough that if I had to pop into Ralph Lauren’s Upper East Side flagship store, Cafe Luxembourg on West 70th, or any of the many entertainment options available at Lincoln Center at a moments notice, I wouldn’t feel underdressed or like I’d wished I had gone home to change. As such, many pieces got the boot, from actual boots (goodbye lug soles, hello stilettos) to cropped tanks and cargo pants. 

Scroll down to learn the other 9 trends I left behind downtown (and the ones I’m bringing instead).


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