Home Fashion 15 Pore-Minimizing Products I Use Instead of Primer

15 Pore-Minimizing Products I Use Instead of Primer

15 Pore-Minimizing Products I Use Instead of Primer


I, like almost every other human that ever has or ever will be born, have enlarged pores. It’s always the ones around my nose and chin that give me trouble. Seeing their stretched out appearance (complete with blackheads) drives me crazy. 

I hate to say it, but in the past, I would resort to pore strips, drying clay masks, and harsh scrubs to clear them out and minimize their appearance. While these things certainly worked, they never offered a long-term solution and they ended up doing more harm than good to my sensitive skin. I also tried using pore-minimizing primers before applying makeup, but I was never impressed by the result. Sure, some of them offered some kind of blurring effect, but it felt like I was just putting a band-aid over the problem and not actually solving it. I wanted a long-term solution to my pore problem, and I found it in chemical exfoliants.


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