Home Fashion Every Product My 34-Year-Old Brother Uses to Get Glowy Skin

Every Product My 34-Year-Old Brother Uses to Get Glowy Skin

Every Product My 34-Year-Old Brother Uses to Get Glowy Skin


Best Skincare Routine for Men



Life’s not fair, or so the old saying goes. For me, nothing demonstrates that better than the fact that my 34-year-old brother has better skin than me. And I don’t say that lightly. Here are the facts: I’m six years younger than him, I’ve been using skincare products consistently since I was a teenager, and I’m diligent about sunscreen. Eric, on the other hand, didn’t have a skincare routine until I encouraged him to start one in his mid-to-late 20s. At the time, we were both living in Los Angeles, and I became acutely aware that he wasn’t caring for his skin consistently. As a beauty editor, I basically thought that was sacrilege, so I took it upon myself to change it. He was receptive to it and started out with a basic routine curated by yours truly. 

Cut to today, and he has a well-tuned routine made up of a few effective products (he’s a self-professed skincare minimalist). As for his skin, it great. It’s smooth, bright, and even, and I am very proud and only slightly jealous. Ahead, see every product he currently uses, plus a few extra recommendations from me, his little sister. 


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