Home Fashion The Best Scalp Products To Keep Bleached Hair Healthy

The Best Scalp Products To Keep Bleached Hair Healthy

The Best Scalp Products To Keep Bleached Hair Healthy


Healthy, beautiful hair starts at the top—literally. The scalp is the foundation for the growth and nourishment of our strands, so it’s important we give it the same amount of attention and care we give our hair, if not more. “Scalp care is essential because it affects the health, growth and condition of the hair,” explains Rae Lynne Kinler, Hair restoration specialist and Medical Director at Ziering Medical Center in Greenwich, CT. “Hair is a dead keratinized protein, but the follicle where it is produced has a great impact on its quality. A healthy scalp and skin barrier with a well-balanced microbiome encourages less breakage and hair loss.” Basically, Kinler says, you want the best environment for new growth, and stronger, shinier, thicker hair.

Scalp health is especially important if you have bleached blonde hair, like moi. I’ve been blonde for about a year now (without going back to pink once, a record!), and during this time I’ve learned that scalp health is crucial for keeping my super processed hair healthy. “What we take or strip away from the scalp and hair. we need to return to restore health, balance, and vitality, says Philip B, scalp expert and founder of Philip B Hair Care. “From a healthy scalp healthier hair will grow. The scalp is its own little ecosystem. Those who bleach disrupt the pH of our scalp and strands. It can have a real effect on the bacterial community of our scalp—the microbiome.” Philip B says that on the scalp, bleach can result in irritation, inflammation or even a real burn, affecting the outer layers of skin with redness, peeling and pain.


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